October 26

I made this:


I made, or in other words modeled this rocket on a 3D modelling program called blender.

Link to the official website

It’s a great program to make photo-realistic animations or even just images, like the rocket that I made. It takes some effort to learn but once you do understand it it’s much easier and quicker to do.

This is not a promotion

From the owner of this blog 🙂

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October 24

A Trip to the Sea.


10096627625_0482e12ba5_z One day, a few friends decided to go to the sea. They lived next to it, so the trip was short. The plan was to hike down the cliff, reach the small bay not visible in the picture, and eat and play on the sand, then go back up and head back home. It all seemed fine until the group realized something, the cliff was to steep, how would they climb down?

Here is where you come in, you can write down in the comment section what the end of this short story will be.

I look forward to your ideas.

From the post master, me 🙂

Category: Uncategorized | 5 Comments on A Trip to the Sea.
February 26

What is Tech good for?

Technology is a very big thing these days, whether you’re an outdoors or indoors person, you will nonetheless use it, so what can technology do for you? Well first, technology can be a great tool for education, it allows wireless communication from teacher to student, whether it is to check on homework, to explain tardiness or being absent, and much more. It can also be used in class, from typing essays to watching videos. And of course, it allows you to blog, just like I am right now.

Not only is technology good for education, but also for business corporations and agencies. Have you ever come across an office that has no electronic gadgets, because these marvels of science can speed up someones work, being much more efficient. It also keeps everything that is happening in the company under control, reducing the risks of danger. The government uses it too, after all, the better you’re technology the stronger you are. Movies about CIA and other secret agencies always have cool high-tech gear right, and all that counts as technology.

So I’ve told you how good technology is for education, economics and politics, but not on what it does for you, and that is what I am going to explain right now. You may not realize it, but technology is in you’re everyday life, from the coffee machine in the morning to you’re TV, but you are surrounded in technology.Of course, all the everyday things may not seem as exceptional as an iPhone or a computer, but they are all the same, a coffee machine has (well, only the advanced ones) a chip that runs a program made by people like you to make your coffee, whether it is expresso or latte. Though, I can also talk about the awesome stuff in technology too, did you know that with 3D printing (printing models made on computers to their 3D real life sizes), scientists are able to crete prosthetic body parts for the disabled, as well as machines that can help our world, and one of these days, not that far away too, we will be able to create food with it.

So yeah, I may not have explained the bad sides of technology, and maybe embellished some of the good sides a bit, but now you know that technology isn’t all bad, maybe it even has more good than bad, so let’s support it until the very end.

January 14

Last year event (of mine)

Many things happened last year, and one of them was WAISAL. WAISAL is a friendly inter-school competition where american international schools from West Africa gather in one host country to compete in one sport. Swimming was my jam and we hosted the others, had four dudes in my house, two in 8th grade, one in 11th grade and one in 5th grade. We had a lot of fun together and ISD came second out of five, which is pretty good, pretty good. And this was one event from last year.

Here is a WAISAL logo


and the official site:


PS: This was done as schoolwork

Pic links:


January 14

Comic strips

Yep, you read it right, I’m thinking about making some comic strips.

I’m thinking of just representing myself in everyday life or talking about random stuff, like events, or thoughts of mine, or even more intimate, also talk about world events and schtuff. It should all hopefully be sarcastic and funny, maybe not dough, but hey, with you to support me I could do it.

So look forward to it, I will post at least one each two days.


PS: Also, I’m gonna alternate my profile pics a bit, cause thug life.

Category: Ma life | LEAVE A COMMENT
November 19

What to do

First of all, you may already know this but this blog was made as a school assignment.  But I still am a fan of pokemon, and still like technology and sports, and watch anime and cartoons, and read books. So this blog will have me written all over it, though it will be influenced by school.


links to the pictures:


